Originally published in the Straits Times on 24 September 1883.
It is with great regret that we have to announce the death of one of our oldest – if not the very oldest – and most respected Chinese residents. SEAH EU CHIN died last night at eight o’clock at his family residence, no. 11 North Boat Quay, aged 78 years, fourteen years older than this Settlement. EU CHIN was a native of Swatow, and came here when he was about 20 years old, and he never left the Settlement since. He was, we are informed, the first to teach the Chinese of Singapore Gambier and Pepper Planting, and he has been at the head of the Gambier and Pepper trade all his life. EU CHIN was highly respected by the Chinese Community and possessed great influence amongst all classes. He used this influence always on the side of order and authority, and time and again afforded great assistance to the Government in the somewhat turbulent times of Governor Blundell and Mr. Church, and, later, when riots were of rather common occurrence on very slight occasions. When Lord Dalhousie, Governor General of India, visited Singapore he presented Eu Chin with a purse of 100 sovereigns in token of his services to the Government and this was made over by Eu Chin to the Pauper Hospital. Sir Richard McCausland, when Recorder here, had a high opinion of Eu Chin, and always consulted him in cases relative to Chinese customs, and, we believe, such cases were not infrequently referred to his decision by Sir Richard. He was a Grand Juror for many years, and Sir Harry Ord, make [sic] him a Justice of the Peace about sixteen years ago. He has been in weak health during the last three years, and began to fail fast about 20 days ago, suffering much from cough. He leaves a widow and a family of 4 sons and 1 daughter. His widow is the sister of the late well known Tan Seng Poh. His eldest son SEAH CHEOH SEAH, is a J.P. and one of the visiting Justices. His second son, the Hon’ble SEAH LEANG SEAH is a member of the Legislative Council and President of the Gambier and Pepper Society. His other two sons are Seah Song Seah and Seah Peck Seah. The burial will, we learn, take place about a couple of months hence in the Family Plantation on Thompson’s Road.
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