Certificate of Naturalization
Correspondence related to Seah Eu Chin’s naturalization as a British subject in 1853.
Straits Settlements Records, V18, pg. 272
No. 128
Seah Yoochin Esquire
At Singapore 29th December 1853
I am directed by His Honor the Governor to acquaint you, that he has this day granted you a Certifiate of Naturalization under Act 30 of 1852, as requested in your Memorial dated the 27th Instant.
The Governor desires me to add, that he cannot permit the Certificate to leave this Office, without assuring you of the satisfaction it has afforded him to enrol the name of so talented and highly respectable a Chinese Resident in Singapore, amongst the naturalized British in the Straits of Malacca.
I have etca.
Sd. R. Church
Secy to the Governor
29th Decr 1853
Straits Settlements Records W19
R. Church Esquire
Secretary to the Governor of the Straits Settlements
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your favor of yesterday’s date conveying the assurance of the satisfaction felt by his honor the Governor in granting me a certificate of naturalization under Act XXX of 1852.
In reply I beg you will be pleased to inform his honor that the gratification I experienced in attaining my certificate of naturalization as a British Subject is much enhanced by the handsome manner in which his honor has been pleased to grant the same, and that it is the certainty, the impartiality and the justice of the British Law and the mildness the freedom and the equitableness of British rule, experienced during a residence of 29 Years in Singapore, which has induced me to avail of the benefits which the said Act XXX of 1852 confers.
I have the honor to be, Sir
Your most obedient Servant
[Seah Eu Chin]
Singapore 30 Dec 53
Note attached to the letter:
Seah Euchin Esq.
30th Decr
Filed 30th
In reply to a letter, intimating that the Governor had been pleased to grant him the privileges of naturalization.
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